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Rec Center

June 1, 2012 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Looked like a good day for an off day. Kinda planed on checking out the rec center in the morning, so I brought my stuff. Had lots of presentations that I went to today, so I didnt have time to go and sign up. After work, Cal and I just walked down to workout. He had signed up earlier but without trouble I got in. Still need the card, which will bring me to a total of 3 ID cards!!! wtf... the case card works fine for everything... anyways The rec center is sooo legit. Makes veale look like a benchpress in the middle of a prison yard. Huge weight room, HUGE cardio room, real legit I like it a lot. I went up an biked first. Went pretty hard its the same bike as at veale so I had it down. Mrs. Eastwood and Co. (my new favorite show) was on so I was entertained by that. Good bike felt dec to rest the legs, even they were sore (walking to dinner didnt help... im tired now)

Met Cal back in the weight room and did a little circuit

Stretched before walking back to the dorm. Rolled a little when I got back.

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