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with phil!

June 7, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran up to meet phil at his apartment at 4:30. hadn't seen phil in a while, so it was nice to chat. we just did a loop along euclid heights and some other roads and stuff. back to the village and then he headed home. we went fairly quick. MY GOLF CLUBS CAME TODAY!!! i was pretty excited about that. they were supposed to be here a week ago pretty much...

8 by 35 abs plus 60 push ups. with only one break! then 3 times 20 dips. doing work with what i got. gonna get jacked and tan. i'm already pretty tan, just have to do some hard work on the jacked part.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles 38:43 6:27 / Mile