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Mews 8k

July 8, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: raining, many puddles

So it was the Mews 8k and I felt out of sorts going into this race. How does one run 8 kilometers where the last half is essentially downhill? Chill out and pace off the other guys was my answer.

We all knew CF was going to win by a huge margin so it was a battle for 2nd amoung myself, JA, PP and DF. I even thought GMcD had an outside chance after seeing him showcase his speed in last Thursday's workout.

So I warm up in the rain but that's fine because everyone else toed the line with a soggy bottom too.

PP and JA took it out hard (as expected) to break the rest of us. We had a good group of myself, DF, GMcD and MH going for about 3k. At that point the gap between us and the two tough guys from ANE was getting too big and I decided to push the pace a little. All the negative thoughts swirling in my mind seemed to be pushed out with this surge and the hunt was on.

With only DF left, we caught PP on Empire Avenue and I threw in three surges; two short, fast ones and then one longer one. Although this put some space on those two I was now almost 100m behind JA, who was racing for the first time in a year.

He was smooth and confident and there was no catching him. Whenever I'd get closer, he seemed to feel me coming and would respond. This happened between the 6 and 7ks.By the time we hit Memorial Dominion, I knew I had no room left to catch him.

So this wasn't my best race but it sure did give me a boost of confidence in my fitness. Not only did I hold a good pace (16' through 5k) but it was in the rain too.

Maybe a day off tomorrow, maybe some time on the elliptical as CF is doing.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
17.0 Kilometers 1:10:30
4.0 Kilometers 20:00 5:00 / Kilometer Warmup  
8.0 Kilometers 25:30 3:11 / Kilometer Race  
5.0 Kilometers 25:00 5:00 / Kilometer Cooldown