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July 16, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran by myself from the village, a little bit later than i usually head out. needed to adequately hydrate, and had some other little things to do. went up to north park and tried to sneak up on chris and david who had just started running. i think i mostly just got chris, but it was pretty funny. i had been going a bit slower before catching them, but oh well. ran to warrensville with them, and then we parted ways as i needed to head back. slowed down again. i needed a good day to just recover pace wise, after the weekend. i was going to go shorter, but with tomorrow supposed to be real hot i delayed it a day. this weekend was much better than the last but i have still been feeling off the past few weeks. sitting on the idea that there's still three months until i want to be in peak shape, and its getting me through it. was shooting for 12, but came up short and didnt want to add on. oh well. half a mile i'll get later.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.5 Miles 1:25:39 7:26 / Mile