July 22, 2012 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Decent long run solo today. Kevin was gonna go later, but I was getting bored and I kinda want to study a little and chill tonight. Went out to the bike path. It was pretty hot out this afternoon, probably not the best idea. I said fuck it and went. Started out pretty slow since I was planning on going 12. I mapped out to where the 6 mile turn around was. Apparently I forgot it, cause I turned around a little early. Ehh this was still quality. Its 3 exactly to the trail head. I really got into a good rhythm on the path. I even passed people on their bikes! Again, its uphill on the way back, but I cruzed up it feeling pretty good. Once I passed Big Y on the way back though. I hit the wall. No shade on that section, and I got real dehyrated and slowed down a lot. Had to cut through campus to get into the shade and avoid the hill on Governors. Otherwise a good run, look to max out at a 13 or 14 in the next few weeks (100 minutes.) Also funny to note there was a huge traffic jam when I was leaving because the Jehovahs Witnesses were getting out of their convention. They were everywhere. They all tired to hand me fliers as I ran through the crowds, but I round house kicked them all to the ground and went on with my run.
Essentials: Stretch, L7, roll, ice
Gulped a ton of water and kinda chilled in the grass to cool down. HR wasnt that high when I finished, but I was fairly tired. Legs felt fine. Shin was good no sleeve. A couple times it tightened up. Outside of my left ankle was a little tight at times.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
11.5 Miles | 1:22:00 | 7:07 / Mile | Long | Brooks Ghost 4 |