June 13, 2008 (Night)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: good to bad
I will use some songs to describe how this run went:
As ELO will tell you at first
"The Sun is shining in the sky, there ain't a cloud in sight, it stopped raining, everybody is a playin' and don't you know, it's a beautiful new day...hey, hey"
Well, all that changed as I turned the corner. A huge storm front was headed straight towards me. As I picked up the pace...I'll let the Stones relate what went through my mind.
"Yeah, a storm is threatening my very life today. A gimme, gimme some shelter or else I'm gonna fade away."
Well, rain started in and at first it wasn't too bad, but then it started to pour. Love didn't reign o'er me as The Who would say but plain old rain rained all over me. I was soaked. Then as I waited to cross a busy street the storm went to a new level and the "thunderbolt and lightning very, very frightening me"
What was origianlly going to be a Tempo run turned into a relaxed one because I was going to go long on Saturday, but because of the storm, I ran much faster than I would have liked.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
5.7 Miles | 37:35 | 6:35 / Mile | Nike Skylars |