November 18, 2012 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Other
Nothing today. Woke up a little early as the sun crept through the window, and I felt tired today. Chris and I did walk down to the quad, but it wasnt a "walk". Taking 2 weeks off now, gonna xtrain here and there too keep cardio, walk a lot but for the most part not think about needing to train... should be a good mental test for me next year, or will it? Just gonna take it easy and chill. Feels weird this season because usually my legs are shot and destroyed at the end of the season, but now they feel good. I have been tapering with the team and not racing feels weird, but I know my body, and I need the rest at the right time. Maybe this will help me be strong when I return.
I bet we will have meetings in the next few days, but I have a plan from last year. I want to do track right this season. With my stuff from last year and my philosophy from the summer and this season, I will be ready to go, and to enjoy every last second of my last season...