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Bike Workout #5

December 12, 2012 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: Brisk/Wind

Took five days off with the hopes of riding 26.2 but with the WorkDay combined with dumbness the ride was only 15.46. During the dark time of the ride it was super scary and I feared the sanctity of my anus was in jeopardy. However, when darkness fell whiteness prevailed in the end.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
15.46 Miles 1:00:43
0.73 Miles 2:35 3:32 / Mile Warmup  
7.0 Miles 26:42 3:48 / Mile Cruise  
7.0 Miles 27:57 3:59 / Mile Cruise  
0.73 Miles 3:29 4:46 / Mile Cooldown