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July 31, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Weather: A stuffy Beijing hotel room

It saddens me profoundly that running log entry 343--of all numbers, cannot be a run. I'm stranded in a non-running country, doing non-running things. I'd certainly rather run in college than do Model UN. I'm logging the strength work I've done in the various hotel rooms.

Sunday: 5:00 plank, 4 minute squat-push-up progression, 200 crunches and 60 supermen
Monday: 5:00 plank, St. Alban's style, 70 squats (2-minutes), a 4:00 supine plank, 40 push-ups and 30 alternating supermen.
Tuesday: slow push-ups for 2:00, 2:45 planks, 120 bridge leg lifts, Ohno drill, 30 push-ups with good form, flutter kicks for 2:00
Wednesday: 20 crunches (50 for each item in the first set of the classical progression)
40 push-ups in a row, 25 plank leg lifts per position, and 11 one leg squats per leg.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes