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August 5, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

ran the 9 mile loop, mostly with alex ryan today. he wanted to go under 60 for the loop, which is not an easy thing to do. especially after the workout yesterday and another one for them tomorrow. after finishing today i definitely confirmed that this loop is harder than any of the runs we did out at camp at case. there isn't a single hill that is as steep as crippen or as long as abraham's hollow, but the whole loop is literally up and down the whole time, and pretty long down hill towards the end, which is a killer on your legs. we ended up finishing right under an hour, and i felt alright, but two harder days in a row made me more tired than i've been in a while. i think their team will be much better than it has been the past few years, but they only have five guys. there's no room for error. one injury, and even one bad race by someone in their top five will destroy them. they just don't have a lot of depth. played some ultimate with them. the new assistant coach who graduated from perry in 2001 played and we collided twice. i was left standing both times, with the frisbee. haha. it was a good trip, they have 3 more days there.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.5 Miles 1:03:41
9.0 Miles 59:41 6:37 / Mile Hills  
0.5 Miles 4:00 8:00 / Mile