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August 18, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Now in Kinsale, Ireland, a tiny fishing village on the Southwest coast (pop. 4500), I had more time and room for a high quality run, deserving a high quality log. I have to say that Ireland is the greenest country I've ever seen. I set out from our rented rooms at precisely 4:12pm, wearing my BMW "M" shirt, into the sunny, 60-degree day. I ran through the neighborhoods, up winding streets, with some very steep hills (imagine that BK and Sedgewick had a baby), across a bridge leading onto a longer road and looping back through private driveways and bright green farmland. After a sip of OJ and water, I found a quiet enough street and did six striders. I think it helped that it was Sunday. Following dinner, I had another light day of strength work with 40 push-ups, 60 alternating supermen and 2:00 flutter kicks. I'm not going to say anymore non-sense about being out of shape.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles 1:08:00 7:33 / Mile Long