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Weights and stuff

October 7, 2013 (Night)

Exercise Type: Weights

Weather: N/A

Band exercises
2xPlanks (1:00 front, 0:45 each side, 1:00 back)
2x50 flutter kick
2x30 supermans
3x8 squat (65 lbs, 95 lbs, 115 lbs)
3x8 SL barbell deadlift (65 lbs, 75 lbs, 95 lbs)
3x8 jerk 45 lbs
8+8+7 pullups (in, out, side)
30 dips (just for fun)

having trouble keeping my back straight on the deadlifts, and this was my first time doing the jerks so I kinda butchered them, even with no weight on the bar.