June 22, 2008 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: 60s but sunny
Got back in town around 3ish. TIRED. I wish I would've asked Keith to drive some back, so I could get a nap in. Took from 0700 'til 1500 to drive back, with a stop for breakfast (Holiday Inn Express) and a couple sweet stops along the coast. Very cool...
Got back to town around 3PM, unpacked, then ran. Felt very tired, but the legs came around on the Hayward + Pre Trails loop. Did drills outisde Hayward because it's now officially closed off: even the practice track!
After the run, lifting, and circuits I went to Stef's for some nice quality tyme. Hip chick, that Stefanie! :)
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
8.0 Miles |