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October 29, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Mid 60s, cloudy

Just as I had requested to Anthony yesterday--on-off 200s at AU. We warmed up with the rest of the team, did drills and then M.I., Jackson, Aids, Sam, Tristan and I broke off did a kind of warmup tempo from Ward Circle down Mass to Wisconsin and back, jogging to AU, taking another easy lap there, doing four striders and then 3200m of on-offs, which were supposed to take 48-9 seconds off and 38-9 seconds on. Anthony told me he wanted this workout to be very controlled. I still managed to mess up the pace on a few, coming through the first mile in 6:14, but correcting things as I best I could and finishing in 12:01. Not sufficiently tired, Anthony had me do two laps of which I jogged the first 100m, ran the second, tempoed the third and sprinted the fourth, which felt surprisingly good. I did a set of pushups back at school for what it's worth. Tristan tells me the whole day summed to 8.2 miles, but I'm disinclined to believe him. Maybe he factored in the recovery from Ward back to the track.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.2 Miles 1:00:00 7:19 / Mile Interval