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November 18, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Wisconsin to Van Ness to Connecticut to Westmoreland circle down Oliver and back onto Wisconsin with Sam, Jackson, M.I. and Tristan. My calves finally feel almost better. I felt in control and wanted to go faster, but considering that we have a workout tomorrow and not wanting to act antisocial, I didn't. Sam's strength work routine, which I must say, I did not do very well today. I'm concerned about an ache on the front of my left calf. It is not confined to one spot--just a slight, general pain--but I'm terrified of it, because it doesn't seem muscular and sometimes hurts during the day and then disappears. IT DOES NOT, however bother me at all on runs. In light of recent events, I'm more concerned than I normally would be, but I hope it just relates to shoes or something superficial.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.8 Miles 37:00 7:42 / Mile Easy