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December 27, 2013 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sunny, 45, slight wind

I had some serious trouble getting motivated today. But after involuntarily putting my clothes and shoes on, it was already too late. The pace varied again as I went Military to Quincy past Wakefield onto Clarendon Blvd to where it intersects Kirkwood drive. I took that through Lyon village then climbed up Nelly Custis and back home via Military and 26th. I got pretty winded toward the end and it wasn't so much one particular hill as it was doing Custis, the bottom half of Military, 26th and that little section of Pollard in a row. By no stretch of the imagination, however, was today a hill workout. Eight striders, four of which I did barefoot. I tried to play Sam's game of focusing on one point and not moving my eyes from it at all, but saw little success. Slow pushups for 3:00, fast leg, A-skip, B-skip, high knees, butt kicks, 2x2:00 flutter kicks, (had to stop for a couple seconds and sometimes my feet touched the floor, so more like 1:54--great idea, Zeke), 20 squats, 20 Peter Silverman calf raises, 11 supermen with my innovation, 100 crunches, 20 lunges, and 30 Apolo Ohno drills per leg. These lists of exercises do not always appear in the order in which I do them. I am erring on the conservative side for estimating this. That pain in my hip flexers and gluts from last week has disappeared completely: I just thought I'd make a note of that

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.2 Miles 47:22 7:38 / Mile Training