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January 19, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50, Windy

I took a 2-hour SAT practice test and thoughts of my run clouded my head the whole time. I trekked along another new route, a little faster than yesterday: Old Glebe to Glebe to the north section of Dittmar to Vermont to 35th to Military back up 31st and through the neighborhood via Oxford street, a rare detour. Amazingly, I figured out that if I don't run too quickly at the beginning, I might have more energy at the end! I saw the clock at 33:05 and went out for more, experimenting with my form a bit. Before stretching: 1:00 six inches, 10 pushups, 1:00 flutter kicks, 10 pushups, 1:00 scissor kicks, 10 pushups, Boardman's signature "Jesus" lifts, another set of pushups, his "fetal curls" (which resemble the STA dead bugs), the Peter SIlveman drill for 1:00, 1:30 superman hold and 20 last pushups.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.84 Miles 40:18 6:54 / Mile Training