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March 24, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Low 30s, windy

In Rochester, NY. I left the hotel and took a few turns until reaching Main Street (where, ironically stood a 20 story JP Morgan building). I ran south for a few miles at an okay pace, similar to yesterday and then turned around and came back, at which point the wind blew harshly in my face. I made several turns and ran around the downtown area for a while, slowing the pace and building in eight, long striders, which added significant distance to the run, in addition to finding clear sections of sidewalk. I did another 3/4 mile or so at the original pace, ran back up to the room on the 19th floor, then squeezed in a mere five minutes of strength work: 1 minute of mountain climbers, prone plank, crunches, superman hold and slow push-ups. During the run I felt some soreness in my calves from yesterday, but the striders were still successful. I had to cut the stretch to 40 seconds instead of a minute.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.35 Miles 55:35 7:33 / Mile Training