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April 12, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Cooler in the morning, mid 60s, but humid, mid-high 70s later in the day

I attended Woodward Relays today, a beautiful spring day at Prep. Even the seven o'clock bus did not pose a problem and I woke up before my alarm, an event so momentous, it is worth mentioning in running-log. The meet ran on schedule perfectly as did all warmups and cooldowns. I anchored the 4x800m at 9:40; Anthony told me think of it as speed work for the two-mile later in the year earlier, but as we headed to the infield he told the team, "You are all capable of PRs. It's midseason now. Be intense, go after it." I stuck to the plan Coach and I had established: I would be calm in the first lap and cruise, then start to lift from 400m to 500m and make the last 300m as strong as possible. I (or at least Anthony said) stuck to that plan very well, so well that I ran a 2:15!!!!!!!!!!!!! 67.5, 67.5, I believe. Needless to say, I got the baton and was all by myself, nobody in either direction. Quick cooldown with Gabe, DZ and Erkin (who ran 2:03, 2:11, 2:12 respectively for 8:36), hanging around watching the meet, then the 4x1600m with Griff, Tristan and Gabe. For this one we also had a plan: listen for splits--69, 2:24 (75), 3:42 (78), 4:55.9, (73)-- never decelerate and don't run any laps slower than 75. If there were people around me, I'd forget about that and run with them. I got the baton from Gabe next to Charo of Sidwell, and followed by other skinny, public school boys. Coming around the first turn, I was running with them, but they pulled ahead by the time we came through 400m. The next lap I tried not to doubt myself, cheering helping, maintaining form. The public school kids were not so far away. I pushed (or at least it felt like I pushed) the third lap and then tried to focus again on the final 300m, kicking it in fairly well and handing the baton to Griffin. Regardless of the poor mark, I enjoyed running and enjoyed spending the rest of the day with the team. I combined all the warmups and cooldowns.

Boardman 1:59, 6:27 in 2k steeplechase with commanding lead to victory.
Tristan: 1:58.3
Griffin: 4:22 THEN 4:28

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.79 Miles 42:15
2.1 Miles 17:17 8:13 / Mile Warmup  
800.0 Meters 2:15 4:31 / Mile Race  
1600.0 Meters 4:55 4:56 / Mile Race  
2.2 Miles 17:48 8:05 / Mile Cooldown