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Morning Run w/ Benson and McDowell

May 22, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Yesterday evening, I walked the two boys together by my self. We did a few short runs and it convinced me that I'd be able to handle them both on a run. I also didn't want to leave poor McDowell alone as CC left for rowing practice.

It started out as a magical experience with the three us forming a 9-legged running machine moving in perfect unisance. I had to give a few corrections to McDowell but nothing major.

Then we reached Long Pond. Benson stopped suddenly to mark - as he is apt to do - but McDowell kept moving. His momentum caused him to bust through the clip on his new collar (he broke one chassing a cat yesterday morning).

He seemed to be aware immediately that he was free. I thought he was going to return to me because we've been bonding lately. Just last night, he fell asleep on me for the for time.

Nope. He decided he'd run from us. Not panicing, I called and called but he kept sprinting back in the direction we'd come from. He crossed Columbus drive - a dangerous intersection - which worried me greatly at the time. Benson and I kept persuing through campus and he continued on our path crossing Ellizabeth Drive.

Luckily, he had to poop on Newtown Rd which allowed me to catch him and get the collar back on him. A cleaned up his soft brown mess and we trotted home together.

After getting him inside, Benson and I did another 5 mins together. I fed them and showered up.

I will try again to run with him with CC's permission.

Today's incident was stressful but it did give me a taste of what persistance hunting is like. McDowell's will was strong but mine was stronger.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.4 Kilometers 20:00 4:32 / Kilometer Easy