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July 12, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80

After two icings, all the shin pain faded away. I had long considered taking a day off, but frankly wanted seven runs this week, achievement of a 45 minute run all at once and avoidance of rushing through something inevitably lower quality on a travel day. Yet, I still feared I had strained something in my groin--possibly during striders yesterday. With a long debate concluded, I left at 7:45pm, starting quite easily and moving more quickly from there. My goal on most runs this summer has been to finish more quickly than I started. Route was Military-->Old Glebe-->Glebe-->Lee-->Vermont-->Taylor park-->Military-->36th, these last being the only significant climbs. I was feeling quite good by the end, but will certainly take a day off tomorrow and do something intentionally easy on Monday. 2:15 planks, 20 clams, 200 crunches.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.12 Miles 45:19
6.0 Miles 44:15 7:22 / Mile Training  
0.12 Miles 1:04 8:53 / Mile Recovery