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August 11, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Perfect, 60s and drizzly

Inspired by my cohort, I had a 20-minute tempo in mind. While a productive run, it didn't go quite as planned. I warmed up very easily for 10 minutes, did leg swings then ran at a reasonable pace for 20 minutes. When I reached the end of the park along Lake Lugano I turned right and began climbing a gradual, mountain road. At 30 minutes I turned around and began the tempo immediately. Almost the first eight minutes were spent going downhill, so when I reached the park I had a good rhythm, but regrettably had to go to the bathroom. At this point it was 46:10, so I decided to tempo all the way back to the hotel, rather than stopping at 20 minutes. It seems nice to say that I went out in 30 and back in 23:47, but the pace during the first ten minutes felt extremely easy. Eight striders. I will do strength work later.

As promised, strength work: 2:15 planks, leg lifts, clams, flutter kicks for 2 minutes, scissor kicks for 1:30, 3x15 pushups.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.8 Miles 53:47
1.2 Miles 10:00 8:20 / Mile Warmup  
2.7 Miles 20:00 7:24 / Mile Training  
3.9 Miles 23:47 6:05 / Mile Tempo