July 24, 2009 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: 75
I had been sick for the last two days and just started feeling better today. Considering this had set me back in mileage, I was determined to get back into it even if it was less than I needed. Met at Highbanks and John and I thought we saw Austin's mom and sister, but we weren't sure if it was them. We have after all only met them once. Anyway, we got started and I almost immediately began to feel terrible. I was getting stomach pain and felt generally fatigued. I only made it 4 miles and felt exhausted and for my own dignity I will not record the time. Hoping for better luck tomorrow.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
4.0 Miles | Mizuno Waze Elixir 4 |