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Rail Trail Tempo

September 2, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Switching the tempo days so that I can get a day at the gym. Ran right after coming home. I was pretty burnt out at the end of the day, looking forward to a run. Decided to pick up the distance this week. Ran over the the track, then cut down onto the rail trail. Did a shorter warm up since I walked home from town center, so my legs were a little warmed up. Did drills in the little clearing where I take bathroom breaks. I think its technically a picnic area, but to me its the pee area. Drills felt good today. Really got the legs loosened up compared to how they have felt the past few days. Got that giddy feeling when you know its time to go fast. Its been a while since I got that. Ran over to the 7 mile mark and lined up for the tempo.

Started out great I felt awesome. The path was slightly wet but not slippery, and I felt real smooth. I think that part is downhill, so it should be nice and quick. Cruizing at 0.5, came through the mile at 6:10. I was surprised, cause I knew it was going to be hard to hold on the way back. Automatically felt the hill and noticed the pace was less consistent. I would have spurts of smooth and comfortable and then struggle. Still kept moving focusing on staying strong and consistent and having good breathing and motion. Noticed the pace slowed down a little but kept rolling. Really made a push in the last quarter to finish it up. Legs were ready to be done. Came in at 6:30 for the second mile. HR was around 144, which is pretty low for a tempo but right around what I had last week. Means that that is not my race pace which is a good sign, because I really want to break 19:00 in the 5k (yeah laugh all you want...) Legs pretty beat at the end, def from the hard surface of the trail. Track workout would be better by the football team was practicing again.

Walked it out a little then came back home through the fields and a little add on to the light. I was absolutely drenched, humidity was ridiculous. Putzed back home legs were very tired and I had a hard time getting them moving.

Essentials: Stretch

Stretch and laying out in the grass when I got back. I was pretty beat, but satisfied. Good workout today. Could have been more consistent but I felt smooth and strong. Hard to believe that I used to be doing 5 mile tempos at way below that pace... But its still great to get out there and put something in now. This humidity is brutal though. At least it rained today. I didnt even go outside, but today was the first day of classes and so many kids got wrecked walking from class to class. It was pretty amusing to watch from my office. Otherwise hope everyone had a happy first day of classes! Do work this semester.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.5 Miles 34:39
1.0 Miles 9:00 9:00 / Mile Warmup Brooks Ghost 7
2.0 Miles 12:39 6:19 / Mile Tempo Brooks Ghost 7
1.5 Miles 13:00 8:39 / Mile Cooldown Brooks Ghost 7