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September 16, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Sunny, 70s

Zeke and I had agreed to run at around 3:15, but wanting to see Matt Centrowitz at AU, he and Tristan left at three while I was still in philosophy club. After a little procrastination and helping Zeke with his late Latin homework, I set out alone and took Wisconsin to Idaho Avenue to Massachusetts to Glover to a tad past Reservoir, turning around, but taking Mass to Nebraska and 42nd. Throughout the first 35 minutes, I was running at quite a nice pace, but failed to hold it while ascending back to Mass Ave. Even so, I felt pretty strong and form was good. After the run I took a quick lap and did the first three elements of Boardman core, 3x25 pushups, 1:00 side plank dips on each side and 30 lunges with a twenty pound weight in each hand.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.45 Miles 53:32
6.9 Miles 49:07 7:07 / Mile Training  
0.55 Miles 4:25 8:01 / Mile Cooldown