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September 20, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, sunny, humid

Oatlands Cross Country Invitational:

I ran my last first cross country race of high school at 10:30am and can't remember feeling more nervous, even three years ago. I did not run particularly well but am less frustrated with it now than I was immediately after. I spent the warmup feeling heavy-legged and drenched in sweat, becoming too cold when I removed my jacket. Once we finally got to the line I just could not relax, until Anthony told us to run it like a workout and just get good training in. My first mile took 5:25 and before we even reached the marker I could see people all around me slowing down. I should have done something to stay more mentally alert, because while I passed some people I also " got caught running their pace." I heard 11:20 at the two-mile mark and could perceive when I looked to the side how slowly everyone around me was running. I was pretty complacent during the final mile and got embarrassingly passed in the final .1 by five people. I knew I wasn't going to run that well, but kept telling myself I would. I need to put this behind me ASAP. I got in some legitimate mileage throughout the rest of the day with the cooldown and running around to cheer for people (Varsity girls got third), boys 8th. I caught a leaf-4.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.71 Miles 1:12:46
5.0 Kilometers 27:00 8:41 / Mile Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 17:46 5:43 / Mile Race  
1.5 Miles 13:00 8:39 / Mile Training  
2.0 Miles 15:00 7:29 / Mile Cooldown