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September 23, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s

We warmed up to the grassy park parallel to Dorset and on the side of Wisconsin. There we did drills, heel-toe walks and a set of dead bugs. The other Captains and I led a large group of distance runners down Dorset to the CCT, getting of at Mass, turning left into a neighborhood, reaching a dead end, turning left into another neighborhood, stopping by Gabe's house, spilling onto Western and taking Chesapeake back to school, adding a lap around the block. I felt fine, but experienced an easy pace that was just not comfortable. This is a phenomenon explained by Berenson: the pace might be slower, but you feel out of rhythm and odd and trick yourself into thinking that you're tired. At school, 1:30 planks, leg lifts another 50 dead bugs.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.62 Miles 49:32
1.21 Miles 9:00 7:26 / Mile Warmup  
5.41 Miles 40:32 7:29 / Mile Training