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First Official Day of Practice!!

October 13, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Beautiful, low 70s, partly cloudy at sunset

Outdoor practice since there's a thing going on at the indoor track. Paid off nicely because the weather was beautiful. Late to warmup because thermo went over by more than half an hour. Got there during accels. Coach gave us the gist of the workout and off we went. Lane 4 and 5 for the second turn and homestretch for all out intervals.

6-8 x 200 @ 30-34, 200m walk recovery.

Splits: 30.3, 31.6, 30.9, 30.7, 30.1, 30.7, 30.2, 30.1 for an average of 30.62.

In general these felt pretty good. Left hamstring was a little sore after the fact but other than that it was great.

Did a circuit workout for core afterwards before biking back.

DB Press: 10x65, 3x5x80
DB Curls: 10x40, 5x40, 5x35, ds of: 5x30, 5x25, 5x20, 10x15, 10x10

Iced my left IT band after.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
1600.0 Meters Speed Ghost 5 Grey/Orange II