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October 14, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

10 min w/u

Honestly had a terrible attitude going into this. First time this year that I let the negative "I want to quit, I can't do this" thoughts seep into my mind. Pushed past them, but a little disappointed in my last rep. I know I could've gone faster, and I KNOW I could've gone a lot faster on the last 1k. I didn't really know we were supposed to go fast, but then Cindy caught me and she pushed me to go faster.

3 x 2k (7:46, 7:48, 7:55) GOAL PACE: 7:55-8:00
1 min rest in between - SO, even though my last one was quite a bit slower, it was the fastest time I was technically supposed to get. These times were based on someone with an 18:40 fitness level, and during the workout coach said "If you don't run an 18:30 this weekend..." and I got kinda mad because I had a terrible attitude and this workout kicked my ass, mostly mentally though. But yeah, ANYWAY
3 min rest then 1k (3:49)
15 min c/d

Overall the hardest workout we've done - not sure if physically, but due to my mental state, definitely mentally. I just hope that I can go out and do what I am capable of on Saturday. I know I can and will as long as I stop the negative thoughts from seeping in and dragging me down in the middle of the race. I'm not even going to think about time, I'm going to think about flying and going fast and ENJOYING that feeling. Keyword: ENJOY. This is a race, it's not life or death. There is no reason for negativity or thoughts of quitting because it is my CHOICE t do this, and whether my race-brain believes it or not, I really do enjoy it. SO yeah. Gonna focus on beating my mental demons this weekend so I can be ready for conference.


Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles