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October 18, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Frustrated beyond belief. I wish i knew why just didnt feel well at all for the race. I would say the first two miles were pretty good but after that all i could think about was how i couldnt wait for the race to be over. Heavy legs, goosebumps just overall really bad.i really wish i knew why i feel this way for hard races and long runs, i dont feel like im out of shape at all. maybe i ran the first mile too fast?
But most focus on the positive. I held my pace well for the rest of the race even though i felt like crap. NJACS will most likely have cooler weather, and i have these next two weeks to taper down and really make my legs feel better. Ive worked really hard this season with the most mileage ive ever done. Really looking forward to a pr on a fast course for NJACS. Goal is to try and break 24

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.38 Miles 25:44
0.5 Miles Warmup  
2.0 Miles    
3.88 Miles 25:44 6:37 / Mile    
2.0 Miles