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November 5, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: Cardio Room

Listened to Metallica for the first 10 minutes, then switch over to Aftermath by Strapping Young Lad for the next ten. Great song to bike to, really cranked the last minute and a half as hard as I could just off the energy of that song. Got may heart rate to hit 200 a few times. Took almost 2 minutes of cooldown to get my heart rate back below 180 though; I'm out of shape.

Distance Duration Pace HR Avg HR Max Interval Type Shoes
8.45 Miles 26:30
3.5 Miles 10:00 2:51 / Mile 170    
4.3 Miles 10:00 2:19 / Mile 185 200    
0.65 Miles 6:30 10:00 / Mile Cooldown