November 6, 2014 (Night)
Exercise Type: Weights
Focused on back then arms. OK lift it was short and not that difficult in the end. I felt constrained and uncomfortable around the other people near the weights so that might be why I cut it a little short. Still felt good, but didnt get the core worked out really. I feel it way more after a regular run than a lift.
3 sets of:
Straight leg deadlift x10 (40 lbs)
Bench dips x10
Goblet Squat x10 (20 lbs)
2 sets of:
DB Curl to Overhead Press x15 (20 lbs)
Got a pretty good stretch and roll afterwards. Legs needed that from the leg workout. Ankle feeling ok, a little weak but not too bad. Honestly the gym workout was pretty uneventful. I had a pretty action packed day as always, so the workout was kinda anti climactic. It was cold and rainy this afternoon so it was a good idea to hit the gym today. Forgot my shampoo so I had to walk back to Conte in my shorts (it wasnt actually that cold).