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Rec Center Lift

November 9, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Weights

Good lift today. Got right into it when I got to the gym. Felt the pump for sure and my back felt great with the higher weights. Workout was

3 sets of:
Seated DB Shoulder Press x20 (20 lbs)
Seated DB Bicep Curls x20 (20 lbs)

3 sets of:
Straight Leg Deadlifts x10 (50 lbs)

Felt pretty swole but it wore off as I was running home. Gym wasnt too crowded today. When I did get home, I was watching a little bit of the CrossFit Games on TV. I dont know if I totally agree with what they are doing. Should weightlifting be a race? Trying to rush through that can take a toll on your form, then you are putting yourself at risk for injury, and not getting as much out of the lift. I always thought that lifting was about precision and control, not speed... Leave the speed for the track. What ever I am never going to do CrossFit anyways. Its a business scheme and I am too poor for it.