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top five

March 22, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

so you know when someone recommends something to you and you tell them, or put it in your own head that you will check it out, because you trust that person's judgement.. and then you forget about it for a while. my friend nick all the way back at christmas highly recommended the movie top five, which stars, is written, and directed by chris rock. i've never really had a weighted opinion either way on chris rock, but i really enjoyed the movie, and have further respect for him because he also wrote and directed it. it had a lot of good moments.

on an unrelated note, i've gotten in the habit of following a lot more famous people on twitter. generally i avoid social media because i hate the sort of dependence that i have had with it at different times, but a couple of them tweet some cool stuff, and particularly mark ruffalo (the hulk) tweets a lot of really cool things. some other celebrities will share things like their foundations for helping sick kids, and robert downey jr posted some video of him giving a boy a prosthetic, mark ruffalo posts a lot of this clean water/energy efficiency type stuff. i dont think that means in any way that he doesnt care about sick kids, or researching cancer, or mental illness, or any otehr cause. it just means he is shedding some light on something else. and it got me thinking, celebrities have this unique voice that they can direct some of their publicity towards something else and it cant be vague or too overarching because then it seems almost rehearsed or fake or to improve their own famousness. and it just made me think if was ever famous enough in what direction would i point my voice. what cause would talk about or promote. i've been lucky enough in my life to not run into any family members lost to disease, or even significantly effected by it. as it stands i dont really know enough about the rest of the world to say i want to help such and such in this country. i didnt grow up in place where having a hard childhood is common. its just really a very unique thing to think about. there are a lot of really good causes out there and to get a chance to inform others about it even just barely from a 140 character statement on the internet is pretty darn cool.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.5 Miles   Gel Contend 2 blue