July 4, 2008 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
I'm not proud of my time in this race, seeing as if I keep a consistent tempo pace I destroy it...the only thing I am proud of is something I was unaware of until it was over. I decided to go out with the lead runners 'cause I assumed that they would run their first mile around 5 flat and I wanted to be just off of that. But they went out at 4:30 and I was just a few seconds behind them (I had 4:32 but I don't think that's right). After I saw the time on my watch I collasped mentally because I've never run that fast and I still had 3 miles left to run. Needless to say my second mile was upper 7's, the third mile was back down around 6 flat then I was back into the 5 min range for the last mile. Idiotic race, I should not have guessed at what they were going out at but at least I still won my age group and got 12th overall. Only like 250 people in the race.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
4.0 Miles | 24:26 | 6:06 / Mile |