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May 22, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Mid 70s, sunny

I had to warmup for the mile pretty much as soon as we arrived. I was nervous and felt the 4x800m in my legs, but remained convinced that I could run a good race. This late in the season, I have simply stopped getting nervous; for the mile ran 69, 72, 73, 72--"the race of a man who worked hard, but did not have another gear." I was a little boxed in at the beginning and, frustrated, passed several people and approached the lead pack. I battled with a Field kid in the third and fourth lap, but lost to him. Once again, I had very little time to warmup for the 800m at 7:20, but with Tristan barking motivational exhortations in my ear, I didn't have time to worry. I split 60, 70; it wasn't so much the end of the race that hurt, rather at the beginning my hamstrings essentially said, "No you're not doing anything." I made an attempt to pass three Wilson kids at 300m, but realized 100m later how fatigued I was and my move failed, which put me last in the heat--and not by a little bit either. Just as I was sitting on the field, starting to come to terms with the end of my high school track career, Zeke came up and told me, "you have another shot. Put your spikes back on, you're in the 4x4." Because all the other sprinters had met the the four event limit, it was either me or Kravitz. All I had to do was get the baton to Tristan, however exhausted I was. As a result of some serious injury, the 4x4 was delayed by almost 30 minutes--which I spent anxiously pacing around the field and trying to loosen up. Tristan got us fourth, passing the Latin kid and enabling us to beat out Wilson by one point. We got the sweatshirts, the banner and the trophy and I felt it was 100% a team victory--for both boys and girls, who got third. They worked so hard all year and I'll always admire the way Katherine, Isabel, and Abby Dorowshow race. "Resilience" has been the buzzword all season and the remark that Berenson made back at cross country preseason camp "Track will not be as dominant this year" seems pretty false. Anyway, everyone who's reading this knows I love all the coaches and the team and at this point I am VERY tired of writing all these narrative logs. So goodbye for now, running-log. More soon.

Ran good,


Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.54 Miles 29:03
2.8 Miles 21:09 7:33 / Mile Training  
1600.0 Meters 4:46 4:47 / Mile Race  
800.0 Meters 2:10 4:21 / Mile Race  
400.0 Meters 0:58 3:53 / Mile Race