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July 15, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, breeze

The workout today was 2x80m striders, 4x12 second uphill sprints, another 2x80m striders, then 3x6 minute cruise with 3-minute recoveries. I warmed up for 16:25, completed the first part on Albemarle street off Glebe, ran for another minute, then began the cruising--which, all things considered, didn't go so well. I found myself unable to push that hard and maintain good form.

Strength work: P. Silverman mountain climbers to 25, 100 crunches, 50 side crunches, squat pushup progression to 10, 30 step-ups on the wall in my backyard, heel-toe walks.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.1 Miles 51:04 7:11 / Mile Cruise