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Off Day

August 3, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Did some good work in the morning but was just so unmotivated in the afternoon. The Malvern guys finished up early so I just went home after they were done. Not really able to start much this week anyways. When I got home, just felt so tired and burnt out like I needed a rest day. It was also pretty hot, hottest time of the day. Chilled and ended up watching the entire Godfather Pt 2 on AMC, which is 4.5 hrs long... worth it. Kinda ansy later in the evening so I got over that slump. Feels weird with the new hair cut, got to adjust into it. I dont like it this short actually, but it was time. I need to put in the hard work to grow it back to pinnacle form. Im right back where I started as just a kid with a dream... but here we go