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BBC World News

August 21, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

I managed to cover the bike's clock with my room key and heard among other things that Jennifer Lawrence is the highest paid actress in Hollywood at $52 million a year, Alexi Tsipras has resigned and called for new elections as early as September, and that the head of a bronze statue was casually stolen from Copenhagen's art museum, the Glyptotek.

My plan now is to recover and sleep well, and rally for a long run tomorrow afternoon. Although nearly infallible at home, a first thing in the morning run does not work quite as well in the Old World due to less sleep. Andrew in an odd show of kindness found me some Powerade, virtually non-existent here, at the 7-11. I drank both bottles before I even got in the shower.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
17.35 Kilometers 30:00 2:46 / Mile Training