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Hurling robots at space rocks

August 26, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: ~60 degrees, Damp

Went and ran at your favorite civil rights leader, and mine, MLK. Tempo with Grasshopper. I only wanted to do 3, since I can do what I want now, so I did. Felt really good. Not very quick, but it was exactly the effort and kind of pace I was aiming for. Heartrate was 160, which seemed accurate, since I didn't feel like I was pushing too hard. I also really suck at math (45-11 doesn't actually equal 31), so I need to make up for some mileage this week. So I did an extra-long cooldown to start gaining some back.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles 19:03
1.0 Miles Warmup Brooks Ghost 7 "Belushi"
3.0 Miles 19:03 6:21 / Mile Tempo Brooks Ghost 7 "Belushi"
1.0 Miles Recovery Brooks Ghost 7 "Belushi"
2.0 Miles Cooldown Brooks Ghost 7 "Belushi"