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300 in the Icebox

January 5, 2016 (Night)

Exercise Type: Weights

Man its cold out. I left today at a undesirable time for running. Ended up just chilling in the evening since I have work to do the rest of the week. Fit in a little workout at night in the side room, which is freezing right now. Nice place to fit in some core though, which I dont do usually on runs. My "New Years Resolution" would be I guess to do a quick circuit in there at night on days I dont get a workout in, at least until I have a more concrete training plan. It only takes 15 mins and help, and feels kinda satisfying.

Found a ab workout called the 300 on the internet. Dont think its the same as what we used to do, but I cant really remember. It reminds me of bear. It was tough, especially the v-ups. Did that then some shoulder work to get back into it.

30 crunches
20 Bicycles
30 Toe touches
20 inverse crunch

15 side plank hip lift (R)
30 crunches
15 side plank hip lift (L)
40 cherry pickers

30 Bicycles
15 v-ups
20 inverse
15 v-ups
10 leg lifts

Workout was:

3 sets of shoulder DB(side, front, press, bicep) x10 (10 lbs)