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Boring Socks

August 3, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: I did not wear my purple socks today.

I can't find my longish blue running socks which is unfortunate. My purple socks were in the wash so I just wore some basic green socks.
The run this morning was okay. We did a police station again. We started out at really slow 9min pace, slower than I've run in a long time, and that made me miss the fast runs I went on in Oregon. On our way back, we picked it up a lot. I had to bike home again and I was debating between going up Wycoff or State St. I chose Wycoff because there aren't many cars or people that way. If I went up State st. I would have to bike up my road too, which is almost the same size as State st. but not as steep.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.13 Miles 33:46 8:10 / Mile   Blue Nike Pegasus 32