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IC Time Trial!!!

August 26, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

During the warmup I was wondering whether my team (B's Badies) would get another girl or not because only Charlotte and I were racing out of the five girls on the team. We ended up getting Corinne which really helped.
Grace and I ran together for most of the race and I could see Charlotte ahead of us for the first two miles. When we were approaching Everest I used some of the boys ahead of me to push myself to move up and not slow down. That's about where I lost Grace which made me kinda sad because I wanted to finish together. Maybe we'll stay together during an actual race, because she finished ahead of me on the flat Cass Park course and I finished ahead on today's hilly course.
I tried running up Everest, but I found that it was more beneficial for me to just walk quickly until I got closer to the top. On the way down I was so excited to finish the race. At one point I was able to hear cheering, and that combined with the downhill gave me a ton of energy because I knew I was close. Grace came shortly after me and Ingrid got 5th for the girls which was really cool.
Overall I think I raced well, regardless of what my time is. I ran 21:42 which I'm pretty happy about, because last year I ran 22:52 so that's a 70 second improvement. I didn't feel terrible, but I can't if say I felt fantastic either because I only have the other time trial to compare this race to. Nothing went wrong, I didn't feel sick or have any cramps. My right quad and left hamstring were both bothering me before the race, but while I was running I didn't notice anything. Now I'm starting to think this might be close to the best I can feel during a race. I guess I'll find out.
The cooldown distance is an estimation and I don't know whether the course is 2.8 or 2.9 miles long so I put 2.85.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.96 Miles 1:02:53
2.81 Miles 26:11 9:19 / Mile Warmup Purple Nike Pegasus 32
2.85 Miles 21:42 7:36 / Mile Race  
1.3 Miles 15:00 11:32 / Mile Cooldown Purple Nike Pegasus 32