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back to the bike

January 25, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Uhhhgggg I feel like I'm missing out so much... probably because I am. When I was walking down the hill this morning with Scooter, my foot started hurting like it did 3 weeks ago. So no more running for me :/
After I finished the English regents I just wanted to run, not sit for another hour. At least I got to move my legs a bit. I did some upper body lifting and abs after biking. One nice thing is that my arms have definitely gotten a lot stronger. I can really feel it. Maybe I should actually considering doing pole vault while I recover from this hahha. I'm going into Cayuga Med on Monday and we'll talk about the x-ray and what I can do to get better.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
16.0 Miles 51:40 3:13 / Mile