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Bad Conditions for a Good Race

April 12, 2017 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Low key STA meet today. Felt awful before my race and even worse after, but I'm pretty happy with the race itself. Before I was hot, dizzy, and had a headache despite drinking a ton of water today and staying in the shade until my race. We did almost no warmup because Hailey, Mia, Ilana, and I were about to warm up when the rest of the people in our race went to the bathroom, so we waited for them, and by the time they got back and we were all checked in there was very little time. Just did some leg swings and striders. The race itself was much better than I expected. I was in the slower 800 heat, and started off near the back, but then after one lap, realized I was pacing it like a mile, so I sped up...a lot! I passed 5 or 6 people in the second lap which felt really good and battled with a girl down the last 100 meters, but she beat me by like one step. :( However, it was still really exciting, and I ran 3:12 which considering the shape I'm in or lack thereof, I think is pretty good. My PR from last year is 3:04 and I was just aiming today to be under 3:15. After my race, I felt awful in every way possible, and I think especially because of all the pollen, but I'm really glad I had a good race because I think I needed a running emotional boost.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
0.5 Miles 13:12
5:00 Warmup  
800.0 Meters 3:12 6:26 / Mile Race  
5:00 Cooldown