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In The Heights

August 23, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

This was BY FAR my favorite run of camp. We were driven to the bottom of a mountain which was only about 3/4 of a mile, but it was steep and we ran up it! I ran mostly with Bridget and I think we did a good job of pushing each other. We started out doing 2 minutes running 2 minutes walking, but as it got steeper and we got more tired we started running less. All the pain was so worth it though because there was an absolutely gorgeous overlook at the top. We sat with Matt who was up there for like 10 minutes and just looked at the river and watched a really long train go by below us. It was magical. Then ran the whole way back down and the half mile back to the buses. Still felt really good at the end and although we walked some on the way up, I think we probably ran 3/4 of the total thing which I am perfectly satisfied with!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.0 Miles 1:05:00 32:29 / Mile