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I'm so fed up

January 19, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

Veronica said I could run the warmup lap and then cross train, but ellipticalling hurt and I just couldn't stomach any more biking (and I think it would have felt the same because it even hurt just walking around). I did as much strength as I could think of/motivate myself to do: Planks, Pushups, Crunch Progression, Superpeople, Clams, Reverse clams, sitting leg lifts, pike/tuck leg lifts. I'm just so sick of feeling pain when I run. My shins were so bad for two whole years, and I was so ecstatic to have a relatively pain-free xc season, but it almost makes it worse to be in pain again. It just doesn't seem fair. I've put so much time and energy into running the last few years, and I know pain comes along with running, but I've had more than my fair share, and it's just exhausting. I'm just feeling bummed out.