April 9, 2018 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: mid 60s, nice!
Three clients in the AM, then home to finish coaching. Tried to take a nap. It was half-successful. Client at 1:45, then to practice.
Big pollen splooge overnight, I think, after the big rainstorm over the weekend. Sam didn't go to school, and didn't practice, due to an allergy flare. I took a pill, but I still felt sluggish and brain fogged. Not sure if it's just pollen, or the gut. Dueced like a ton today.
No CA today, since she was traveling. I honed stride mechanics and drills with the kids today, since they (= we)'ve been dropping the ball with drill consistency. Did some key drills, then worked on that BGD-style ankling --> knee --> stride-out progression, which I really like.
AFter that, easy run. Felt like CRAP. SOOO heavy. Ran with Hunter and Callan for a couple miles, then dropped back through the ranks. Ran back with Kyler. SOOO glad that Mr Billie is over.
Weights, then hops outside. As I was leaving, Jaesa's dad rolled up, and he got out of his truck and chatted with me. We didn't talk about last week, but I feel the whole conversation - and the gesture - was out of solidarity. I appreciated it.
- no weights
- no Bristow meeting
- ate dinner, binge-watched Mad Men
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
4.0 Miles | PI N1 Road - Blue (V1 - fall '17) |