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CCT Long Run

August 18, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Long run! Had possible plans to have company, but it ended up making more sense to go alone. Woke up at 8, but then didn't end up leaving until almost 11 because morning runs suck and I was scared of doing this alone even though I did 10 alone. Probably would have been better if I'd gone earlier because it was 90 degrees and sunny when I left. Ran down Wisconsin to the CCT (there was construction right by where I thought the entrance was, so it took me a little wandering to find it). Then just ran down it and back because it was shady and flat and nice. I listened to the Youtubers Rose and Rosie's audiobook "Overshare," which was a wonderful idea because it kept me entertained to the point where I sometimes couldn't help but laugh out loud and worried that people were judging me. I did stop a couple times to figure out how far to go or text my parents to figure out timing for meeting them, so I got a few short breaks unlike during my 10 mile run, but I also felt waaaayyyyy better than that run and this was a mile longer, so I feel like that's progress. I was certainly tired by the end and my knees and right upper glute were hurting like last long run, but I also knew I could have done 2 more miles if I'd needed to and been fine. That's a cool feeling. Even though the point of these long runs is that each is a mile longer than the last, so I break my record every week or two, it felt significant to run over 2 hours for the first time ever. I kinda can't believe I can do that. An hour used to feel like such a long run to me, and it's still not a steady, regular run length for me, but I barely even noticed when I'd hit an hour on this run! Highlights of the run were catching a preseason leaf (!), my battle with the tempermental water fountain, and running into the Belber family eating cupcakes on a bench as I was walking to meet my family for lunch after I'd finished.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles 2:08:47 11:42 / Mile Long