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Off Day - Bike

January 12, 2021 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

I went into lab in the afternoon for the first time. Not sure if everything is all set up with keys and access, grad students had to sneak me in but whatever its time to get started! We can manage it. Biking in is nice, a little pickup but its not too tough or long. I was really hungry all day and honestly a little winded from standing around learning the new the-meters. Got back and chilled out then finished up some work. Good timing because as I biked back, the sky opened up and started raining hard. Not fun to bike in that. Knee still a little sore, put some ice on it. I don't go in on Friday so I have plenty of time to run the weekends. I don't need to stay super late either each day so there's still opportunity to keep decent mileage, but biking helps feel like I did something at least.